New from PPU, the Z-Grom is the perfect choice for game hunters in an increasingly green world. The current lead free ammunition and bullet head choices are few and far between, are often expensive, and don't offer the same performance as traditional lead cored bullets. PPU have solved all these issues with their Z-GROM range. Newly stocked at Henry Krank & Co is the .308 Z-Grom 170gr Lead Free PPU Prvi Partizan Rifle Ammunition and 30 cal (.308) Z-Grom 170gr Lead Free PPU Prvi Partizan Bullets, both supplied in packs of 100.

PPU Lead Free Ammunition

The PPU Z-Grom is a new take on lead free ammunition. This bullet is made of a copper alloy with a small tin core, giving it the weight and performance of a traditional lead cored bullet. The Z-Grom replicates conventional projectiles perfectly, and uses no plastic tips or similar, making it a practical and environmentally friendly choice for game hunters. With options for shooters and reloaders, and suitable for all larger game in the UK, the Z-GROM is the ultimate choice for hunters. We are currently stocking:


PPu Lead Free Icon .308

.308 Z-Grom 170gr Lead Free PPU Prvi Partizan Rifle Ammunition

The Z-Grom replicates conventional projectiles perfectly, and uses no plastic tips or similar, making it a practical and environmentally friendly choice for game hunters.

Available in packs of 100.

Click here to view.





Muzzle (0m): 100m: 200m: 300m:
795m/s 765 m/s 619 m/s 553 m/s

Energy (J):

Muzzle (0m): 100m: 200m: 300m:
3224 2621 2111 1682


Profile: Bullet Weight: Calibre:
Jacketed Soft Point Lead Free 170 grain 308 Winchester


30 cal (.308) Z-Grom 170gr Lead Free PPU Prvi Partizan BulletsPPu Lead Free Icon .308

A new jacketed soft point bullet from PPU, designed specifically for eco-friendly game hunting.

The PPU Z-Grom is a new take on lead free ammunition. This bullet is made of a copper alloy with a small tin core, giving it the weight and performance of a traditional lead cored bullet.

Available in packs of 100.

Click here to view.