A fantastic selection of antique revolvers available at Henry Krank now.

Revolvers are one of the most consistently popular firearms, across any class or application.

The modern revolver is a simple, reliable, and dependable arm that has found use in every application from tiny concealable revolvers to full size service revolvers for police and military.

Antique Revolvers

The concept of the revolver is an ancient one, in the days of muzzle loading, when requiring a second shot, it was easier to simply have another barrel loaded and ready to go than to reload.

This was a concept understood by even the earliest gunmakers, and multi barrel guns have been extant long before Colonel Colt arrived.

Prior to the invention of the percussion system, revolvers were clumsy, half developed creations and saw little popularity or use. Whilst the revolver may not have been viable for widespread use until the developments both of firearms technology and metallurgy in the 19th century, popularity exploded in the middle of that century, and firearms history was never the same again.

So many different designs of revolver were produced during this period, from early English transitionals, through pepperboxes, to Colt et al’s percussion service revolvers, and finally modern cartridge guns.

Make sure you check out our selection of Antique Revolvers here.

All Antique Revolvers can be purchased on our website and shipped direct to your door.

Revolving Arms By A W F TaylersonRevolving Arms By A W F Taylerson

If you’d like to learn more about the development of the revolver, why not give Revolving Arms by A W F Taylerson a read? Here’s a short review by one of our foremost antiques experts:

Taylerson’s book, written in the late 1960s, offers a complete history of these arms, and provides a clear pedigree of development throughout. From the earliest attempts, through to Collier’s revolving flintlock pistol, to Colt and finally to the modern day, Revolving Arms is a comprehensive narrative of the development of the revolver.  This volume is a follow up to Taylerson’s earlier work, The Revolver, 1865-1888, and expands on that narrative with a much wider history and scope.

As revolver design has been pretty much perfected before publication, this book is still a good and informative history. Accompanied by illustrative plates, this is a quintessential book on the history of the revolver, and a volume no enthusiast should be left without.


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